And not just because I won this polymer clay prize from Jenny
. Craft Test Dummies NCM giveaway I love CTD because it helps me not waste my money - real people using real products under regular conditions - the state of my studio is never optimal . How things work in a lab setting or controlled environment isn't helpful to me - Hootenanny Hollow, with 4 humans and 5 furkids (How in the world did we end up with 300+ pounds of rescued dogs? That story at a later date!) is always barely controlled chaos.
Today's to-do list: learn about labels when making blog posts and pack for my retreat at Ocean City MD tomorrow.
Needlearts Adventures - not just for sewing! is the website - join us in the fall! Or heck, stop by and say Hi this weekend!
Thank you big time to Jenny and Lisa Pavelka for encouraging me to learn, try, and DO! Art is just an idea until you make it!